

We have supported multiple customers with their TCMS development and testing, with full capability to work across the entire V lifecycle.

The systems we have helped product engineer include passenger information systems, driver-machine interface systems, passenger comfort systems, installation of surveillance and other monitoring systems including ticketing and passenger count systems.

For some of our customers we undertake software testing as a fully managed service all the way from unit test to systems test. More recently, we collaborate with our customers to carry out earlier shift-left testing, leveraging emerging technologies in the process.

We also manage the testing of customer infrastructure, where our scope of activities include developing, installing and maintaining a range of testing racks for engineering teams across the world.

We undertake testing as a managed service, which can consist of Blackbox, Whitebox, Hardware-Software, HIL & SIL and System Testing.

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Auxiliary Converter Development

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Case Studies

Traction Battery System: Junction Box (JB)

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