

There are hundreds of kilometres of wiring that need to go on a single train and these come with their own weight. 


The challenging part is that wires are expected to bend all the time as the other equipment is rigid – this means wiring gets the last preference. This becomes a major challenge because the longer you route this wiring, the more weight is added. Routing is a complex phenomenon. Ultimately, it becomes a balance between weight and the safety. 


What we bring to the table is experience as well as concurrent engineering methods. Because we are involved in the early stages of many of our client’s designs, we have a hand in guiding all wiring, so it is not just an afterthought but integral to the solution.


Whilst helping a client design all other aspects, we are equally considering cable trays, the thickness and length of the wires, harness computation, and the routing. This is accompanied by functional and detailed schematics, including detailed 3D work.

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Our Train of Thought

Case Studies

10 Car to 5 Car Split & Join – CDR to DDR

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Case Studies

Auxiliary Converter Development

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Case Studies

Emulator Design for Testing Different Releases or Solutions

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Case Studies

Traction Battery System: Junction Box (JB)

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