
Customer Challenge

Develop an autonomous parking solution

Customer is a Tier-1 software solution provider for Autonomous cars.

Customer want to develop an autonomous parking solution using image processing and AI techniques that can be deployed in a luxury OEM


  • Autonomously detect empty parking space and park a car there
  • Develop an AI based solution and Training of the model
  • Port solution to and NVIDIA based platform and optimize it for the performance


  • Setup Cross compilation environment for DRIVE PX
  • Design DNN to detect objects from camera feed
  • Classify empty Vs occupied parking space
  • Use DRIVE PX 2 as man compute engine
  • Sensor fusion happens on DRIVE PX 2, Optimize using TensorRT


  • The system provides very high performance compared to available solutions in the market


  • Automated parking space detection. The solution provides necessary inputs to the driving system of the car


  1. https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/self-driving-cars/drive-px/
  2. Yolo: https://pjreddie.com/darknet/
  3. https://developer.nvidia.com/tensorrt

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