
Applications Development and Support

QuEST helped a medical devices customer overcome the limited availability of software SMEs add new features to the Analyzer software

Ownership in Software Subsystems

QuEST helped a medical devices customer overcome the limited availability of software SMEs add new features to the Analyzer software

Remote Data Collection for Technical Service

QuEST helped a medical devices customer remotely access non-clinical data from the CPAP devices deployed in the field

Integration of Device with Patient Data Management System

How QuEST helped provide seamless flow of processing of the information coming from the CPAP Device

Accelerating Design Support During Covid -19 Crisis

How QuEST developed a Critical Care Ventilator for a customer who was facing challenges to accelerate the Sustenance Program

Modular ECG Platform for Linux & Windows

Fetal Heart Monitoring Solution

How QuEST developed an android based Fetal heart Monitoring solution from proof of concept to Product release

Test Automation – Zero Footprint Viewer

How QuEST developed an automation framework to test image manipulation functionalities

Design of Table Side User Interface

How QuEST integrated the Table Side User Interface (TSUI) into two mobile surgery systems

Test Automation – CT System

How QuEST developed an automation framework to support testing with the actual CT system